Breaking RulesThere once was a lady poet
who really wasn’t a lady
in the noble sense of the word
and she wasn’t a grandmother
or a skillet, but she did have one
child, and she, the not-so-ladylike
poet, didn’t want to cook,
but did want to write a book.
One day the wise-woman-writer
decided it was time for her poems
to be published. She revised and edited
100 pieces, printed out the entire lot,
placed them in between the bindings
of The American Medical Association
Encyclopedia of Medicine
and Webster’s International Dictionary,
both interred in the inherited bookshelf
in her very cluttered yet picturesque writing space.
Now her poems are in print in books
just like books of poetry few will buy
fewer will read and to get it done
she didn’t have to submit.
About Cathy Perkins

Catherine Perkins (she/her), poet, stand-up comedian, horse-crossing guard, zero-turn mower operator, artist, musician and semi-retired horsewoman, relocated from the east coast to Central Kentucky in 1984. Catherine and her husband, Wayne Mackey, own Perkins Mackey Stable, a Thoroughbred training and racing enterprise. Catherine has no college degrees and no awards, yet her poems appear in online journals, blogs and in numerous printed anthologies and journals. Udder Uproar is Catherine’s first published collection.